University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

NTI sessions 1 and 2 extend beyond Illinois

June 15, 2013 - 5:42pm -- Logan H. Lauren

Today, the second of our summer professional development workshops (NEURON Teachers' Institutes) concluded. 

Teachers from local schools and as far as Los Angeles, CA, attended the workshops to engage in science education through hands-on activites and discussions. Activities included the Guppy Game, the Biomagnification Game, and Fruit Fly Simulations, among others! Scientists and professors at the University of Illinois including Becky Fuller, Carla Caceres, Bettina Francis, and Phil Newmark gave talks about their research, which link to content within Project NEURON units. Teachers also had the opportunity to plan how to adapt our lessons into their own existing curricula and design their own activities that connect to the Next Generation Science Standards.

The next NTI session will begin June 24th. See you then!